[Part 06/23 | Module 1: STYLES & GENRES]
Artistic nude photography is the portrayal of the nude female form in its most natural state with minimum embellishment of makeup, clothing, styling or props. Concentrate yourself to capture purity, forget about sexual tease.
Artistic nude photography has been and still is getting confused with ‘fine art’ nude photography, but the scope of artistic nude photography extends quite a bit beyond the capture of black and white figure art on mostly monotonous or white backgrounds.
The general artistry philosophy emerges from the idea of the traditional fine art photography. For example, in fine arts we are toning down tense (erotic) emotions to subtle portrayals of a given situation. The shots turn out quite different in look and “feel” from Simple Nudes or Glamour Nudes.
In the following, I will introduce you to four specific styles that I like to combine under the well suitable umbrella term Artistic Nudes.
Almost all examples shown here are presented in B&W because this is what we sense as the closest to an artistic expression. Of course, certain styles like Bodyscapes or Outdoor Nudes On Location can be held in (rather soft) colors. But stripping colors out of a photograph from such a genre lets us concentrate more intensely on forms, lines, patterns, expressions, compositions – simply no distractions.
Classical Studio Nudes
Classical, artistic nudes – when shot in a studio – are based on the idea of having a model depicted in a sort of figurative, statuesque way. Shooting full-figure, concentrating on forms, curves, and body language is the way to go for reflecting a more static character.
In the classical approach, the model must never interact with the viewer, meaning the camera. It is not about teasing and connecting with the beholder, it is about interpreting cultivated postures, creating a sculptural and arty feel. Being sexy and suggestive definitely falls into the realms of glamour photography.
Like with any style-interpretation, opinions of photographers and beholders are diverse, but for me – if it is considered necessary to classify this style in a “genre-system” – Classical Studio Art Nudes are meant to emphasize body forms and aesthetic, “meaningful” expressions thereof.
Bodyscapes: Line Glimpses
Bodyscapes are following the classical nude approach and focus on the human form as a study, from abstract to compositional. Again no sexualized and teasing poses are involved so the results are typically faceless. High-contrast artistic style nudes in a rather tight framing of the human form convey the impression of pure nature. More broadly defined I would say it’s about the lines, curves, and forms of the subject.
What makes this concept interesting and intriguing for starters and hobbyists is the fact that you do not have to hire (= pay) an experienced model. Why? Because you are depicting body parts, the lines thereof in very limited lighting without showing the face of your subject. You are not revealing your subject’s identity. You can shoot this style with your partner, wife, or friend. Since they stay anonymous, they will not get in any trouble for being recognized anywhere!
Once you have mastered Bodyscapes shoots you can even add this style to your service offering for female end clients. Since they remain anonymous, quite a few women will be interested to be depicted in such a style (and willing to pay you). Believe me, I know what I am talking about.
Artistic Outdoor Nudes (feat. Photographer Cam Attree)
Generally, in Artistic Outdoor Nudes, the model is of less importance than or at most of the equal importance as the shooting environment. In other words, the environment itself is as significant to the feelings and message expressed or projected by the photo as the model is herself. This style is all about the photo as a whole rather than the model as its subject.
Scenery or backgrounds may be adventurous or unusual. Often enough, models will interact with the environment in unusual ways, mostly in rather abstract or less seen ways, posing may appear very unnatural when shooting the image but on the photograph itself it will look “fantastic”.
This is because the interplay of forms and shapes given by the scenery combined with the line and form interpretation of the model is creating unique, mostly stunning compositional results.
Side note: It helps if you are versed in landscape photography or at least keen to explore nature shooting too. A lot of artsy outdoor nude model photographers that I know actually started out shooting landscapes. Having the passion, eye for peculiarities, nerves of steel (weather), being up to the mark (dragging gear, hiking), remaining calm and staying positive are additional criteria that help on your path towards successful shoots and impactful outdoor nude photographs. Anyone can do the simple things. Managing strains and maintaining patience is what differentiates a mediocre outdoor snapper from an amazing landscape nudes composer.
Classy B&W Nude Portraiture Today
In today’s crowded, fancifully colored (social) digitized media world, B&W imagery is gaining all the more attention and reflects a personal style. But caution: Imagery should not be styled in B&W simply to spark some meaningless attention! No, use this effective and inspirational style to spread your dedication differently – formal as well as content-related.
In my humble opinion, a classic portraiture nude look represents the core of all black & white works in Sexy Women Photography. On the one hand, because of its historic development and on the other hand, regarding its structure with clearly reduced basic elements in composition and message. Regardless whether the photograph conveys a soft, sensual, romantic portrait or whether it displays a strong, utterly emotional expressive moment – by creating it in B&W, your work will automatically (although mostly unconsciously) adhere to the known working cycle and output of the well-known photographers out there.
In opposition to shooting glamour, flashy, rich-colored makeup is neither appealing nor needed. The same goes for outfits and props: Colors will not help you to create a message. Therefore, most series designed for B&W results are not relying on the looks of glam and pin-up. Most of the time, they rather concentrate on a natural/classic look that emphasizes the model’s natural beauty, not the faked one – you are highlighting the beauty, not beautification.
You will automatically work with the feel of class, timelessness, and an artful approach. You even are able to specifically strengthen these attributes when musing about genuine grayscale concepts, taking certain looks, styles, settings, lighting characteristics and compositions into account – you will plainly be serving emotions per definition.
And last but not least: You can utilize classy, modern driven B&W portraiture (with more or less nudity involved) for your photographic service offering. As already explained above in the style of Bodyscapes, private female clients love strong, sensual, timeless and classy portraits!
Thanks for reading.
Author: Dan Hostettler
A traveler at heart, inspired by women, working along Swiss precision.
Dan is a mediapreneur, photographer, author of several books, owner of StudioPrague and Founder + Editor in Chief of SexyWomenPhotography.com. Being a successful photographer for more than 15 years Dan got internationally published and featured on/in GQ Online, The India Times, FashionONE TV, FotoTV, GoodLight Mag, amongst many others.
Dan is currently residing and working in Prague, CZ, conducting nude photography workshops, productions and pushing educational formats to a new level.
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