[Part 11/23 | Module 2: GETTING YOU STARTED]
Outdoor locations offer a wide range of creative possibilities. But wherever you are, wherever you go, there are some important precautions and considerations to think about – for your safety and comfort, as well as that of the model.
Follow six simple guidelines for shooting your nudes outdoors in daylight. Things to be aware of and on guard for. Plus, at the end of the article you find a complete, actionable checklist.
1) Protect The Model
First, if the outdoor location is on public property, remember that other people have the same rights to be on that property as you do. That means some of those other people might suddenly show up or happen by. It’s a good idea to have someone with you who is keeping an eye out for others and for your model to have a robe or something else within arm’s reach so she can cover herself within seconds if need be.
2) Location Permission
If the outdoor location is on private property, you should have permission to be there. You should also be mindful of “sight-lines.” Sight-lines are areas on the private property where you’re shooting that are in view or provide views, that other people (who might be passing by or are neighbors to the person whose private property you are shooting on) may have access to.
These precautions might not merely help you have a successful shoot, avoid unexpected and potentially embarrassing situations, but also help you avoid your model being ticketed or charged with indecent exposure.
3) Weather Challenges
Shooting in daylight means you are at the mercy of the natural light. That’s not intended to dissuade you in any way either but to remind you that lighting conditions may change, rather abruptly, when shooting in daylight. The perfect light that was there when you were about to begin snapping your shutter might suddenly become a totally different sort of light as a cloud quickly and unexpectedly moves in front of the sun, or vice versa.
4) The “Golden Hour”
For the most part, shooting early in the morning or late in the day offers better natural light for most nude and glamour photography. That’s because during those times the light is either softer (early mornings) or more dramatic and “golden” late in the day.
The term, “Golden Hour,” refers to that period late in the day when the sun is low in the sky and the light it casts has a beautiful golden hue to it. The mid-parts of the day, leastwise when bright sunlight is present, will often require you to either add artificial light (strobes/flashes) to fill unwanted shadows caused by the sun being too much over-head, to provide extra light because you are shooting in the shade, or to use a reflector to do the same; that is, either to bounce sunlight onto your model with a reflector.
5) Little (And Larger) Lighting Helpers
You may also find you need to reduce the over-head sunlight and the highlights it is creating. A scrim or some sort of diffusion material to “knock-down” the light is often needed. You may find an outdoor location where near-perfect light exists but, more often than not, you will need artificial light, a reflector or two, and a scrim of some sort to deal with the fickleness of Mother Nature and the way she sometimes likes to “mess with photographers”.
Want more ideas and tips for nude photography outdoor lighting? Read Stephen Wong’s article “Strobe & Natural Light: Outdoor Photography Lighting Strategies”.
6) Focus On The Model
One last reminder, albeit one that has already been mentioned in previous articles: Glamour and, often enough nude, photography is all about the model. The model is the star of the photos. Some outdoor locations are so picturesque it’s easy to forget that the model should be the main focus of the photos. In other words, your location should be used to accentuate the model’s beauty and allure and not overpower it or see you shooting in ways that make the model secondary to the location.
Obviously, that’s a very subjective element. There’s more than a little wiggle room when deciding if/when the location is “upstaging” the model as you compose and frame your shots. Just be mindful that the model comes first in these genres and the location is secondary. That doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice the beauty or photogenic qualities of the location. It simply means you must find a balance between the two, and with the model getting the lion’s share of your camera’s love.
For those of you who relate to ratios, the often cited 80/20 Rule applies: the final images should be at least 80% about the model and probably no more than 20% about the location. Those aren’t “real estate” percentages, i.e., 80% of your composition features the model while 20% the location.
We’re talking about the impact of the photos, not the amount of photographic “real estate” given to one element or another – i.e., the model or the location – within the photos… if that makes sense.
Before you fly out the door to shoot your outdoor nudes or glamour pics, take a moment to check-off the items below on Dan’s pre-flight checklist.
Dan’s Outdoor Nudes Pre-Shoot Checklist
- Arrange to have a friend or someone come along for your outdoor nude shoot to be a lookout. They can also help you carry gear to your location.
- Remind your model to bring along a robe or something she can use to quickly cover herself if need be.
- If you’re shooting on private property, seek and obtain permission to be on the property. The property owner doesn’t need to know all the details of your shoot, just that you want permission to shoot on a specific day and time. You might mention that you would prefer privacy for your shoot.
- Pre-scout your location whenever possible. If you’re going to be shooting at a public location, consider pre-scouting on a weekday if you’ll be shooting on a weekday or a weekend if you’ll be shooting on a weekend. That way, you’ll have a better idea of the number of people who may be in the area of your shoot when you’ll be shooting.
- Shooting in daylight can mean changing light conditions. Bring along extra equipment, that is, beyond your camera and lense(s) to help you deal with various and changing daylight conditions, e.g., flash devices, reflectors, scrims.
- Consider scheduling your outdoor nude shoot in the earlier morning hours or later in the day in order to take advantage of the best natural light.
- Don’t forget that nude and glamour photography is most often about the model. Your cool location may indeed be very cool, but its coolness should not overpower or “upstage” the model.
- Use the 80/20 Rule when deciding how much of your nude photos impact should be about the model and how much should be about the location. 80% of the images’ impact should be about the model and no more that 20% about the location. That’s not a hard-and-fast ratio, obviously, but you’ll be able to figure out when you’ve given too much “real estate” to the location and not enough to the model.
- Be prepared to have fun! Make it a fun and enjoyable experience for all involved. Nude and glamour photography isn’t rocket science. The fate of the world does not rest on the outcome and success of your nude photo shoot. Act and be professional but enjoy the experience and make it enjoyable for yourself as well as your model.
Thanks for reading.
Author: Dan Hostettler
A traveler at heart, inspired by women, working along Swiss precision.
Dan is a mediapreneur, photographer, author of several books, owner of StudioPrague and Founder + Editor in Chief of SexyWomenPhotography.com. Being a successful photographer for more than 15 years Dan got internationally published and featured on/in GQ Online, The India Times, FashionONE TV, FotoTV, GoodLight Mag, amongst many others.
Dan is currently residing and working in Prague, CZ, conducting nude photography workshops, productions and pushing educational formats to a new level.
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