Your Creativity Blueprint: Simple Concepts, Smashing Results.
featuring Canadian Art Model Hanna & Czech Nikolart
Speedlights only. Simplified tech. Shoot at home. Ideal concepts for shooting with a model, girlfriend or spouse.
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What For? On Budget. Stunning Results!
Dan’s “Simplify Anything!” Way
Get rock-solid info on how to save cash and lower gear needs. Raise your efficiency and increase outstanding shooting results.
Feed Your Creativity!
Learn everything about simple but powerful concept creation: Find ideas, effective strategies, food for thoughts and Dan’s very own “Keyword Strategy Toolbox”.
Produce Low Cost But Impactful!
Budget shoots do not mean you have to relinquish your creativity. Learn how to use limitations, specific narrative concepts and suitable lighting designs to your advantage to achieve various, magnificent imagery the simple and inexpensive way.
Avoid Model Costs!
Avoid or lower modeling costs by knowing the photography styles (yes, nudes) that help you to settle for TFP contracts.
Speedlights Only: Gear & Lighting Designs
All showcases are based on shots with speedlights (+ light modifiers) and come with easy to follow step-by-step instructions. The chosen lighting gear is for everyday use and extremely versatile.
The lighting chapters for each showcase provide you with premium 3D illustrations and detailed lighting plans.
Dan’s guarantee: “Rest assured that you can execute all the showcased concepts with any of the speedlights you might have in your arsenal!”
Save Model Fees: TFP Deals & Private Sexy Shoots
Dan introduces photo styles that allow you to work with your partner, wife, friends, newcomers, and of course, models. Proven strategies will help you to lower, or avoid, any modeling costs for specific concepts.
In each showcase, Dan breaks down the necessary posing needs. You will not only get his take but also recommendations on how to tweak, enhance, mix and incorporate ideas into your concepts, needs and economics.
Easy to Follow and Beautifully Presented:
12 All-Inclusive Showcases + Extensive Knowledge Part
This workbook is generously and attractively designed in landscape format, great for any screen!
Substantially UNIQUE: Dan’s Personality, Methodology + Implementation
Dan’s developed methodology, approach and encompassing implementation is truly new, highly personal, unique and never seen before in Sexy Women Photography.
Peppered with Dan’s immense professional experience, personal wisdom, endless side notes and complementary references this oeuvre is a joy to follow through.
Useful Indicators
A “Difficulty Indicator”, “Money Making Advisor”, “Hints Suitable for Private Shoots” and other valuable signals based on Dan’s explorations help you to locate and navigate through the concepts. Amazingly useful hints await you for the creation of a portfolio from scratch or to thoughtfully enhance your existing one.
Reaching Out For Pro Level? Get Displayed, Earn Money!
Get Published & Displayed!
You will explore creative concepts with artistic and experimental twists to produce your truly own, not replicable photographic work; shots worth to be displayed and entered into competitions.
Earning Money; Not Only Spending!
Get to know the photography styles, concept variations and ideas you can apply to your service portfolio to actually earn money.
- Creative Styles for: Classic Art/Figurative Nudes, Experimental Nudes, Artistic Nudes, Glam Nudes, Portraits Nudes
- Building the Shoot: Every Showcase is broken down into Idea Development, Concept Creation, Lighting Design, 3D Lighting Setup, Posing Aspects, Specific Specialties, and Post-Processing
- Model Fees: Concepts for Shoots with Friends/Partner/Wife, Newcomers and Semi-Pro/Models (incl. TFP)
- Posing: From Depicting to Effective, Simple Ideas, Inspiration & Trades
- 1-Light, 2-Light, 3-Light Setups, incl. 2D Set Plans
- Premium 3D Lighting Illustrations
- Simplified Tech: Speedlight Only (incl. Reflectors, Modifiers etc.)
- Full Equipment Lists for Beginners & Pros
- Lighting: Quality, Direction, Characteristics Choice, Shadow Quality & Manipulation, and more
- Lighting: How to Sculpt Shadows, Shadow Cast, Shadow Shapes & Shadow Patterns
- For Any Indoor Location
- How to Shoot In Minimal Space/Your Home but Still Get Astonishing Results
- Minimal Post-Production Work Strategies
- For All – From Starters to Pros, incl. “Complexity Level Indicator” + “Money Making Advisor”
- 12 All-Inclusive Creative Showcases with Art Nude Models Hanna, CAN & Nikola, CZE
- High Quality Nude Pictorials both in Theory Part and Showcases
- SPECIAL: Economics! The ‘Shooting Turnover’ Formula
- SPECIAL: How to Work with V-Flats/Where to Buy
- SPECIAL: How to Shoot With a Ultra-Cheap Video Projector
- 350 Pages strong eWorkbook (PDF)
- Practical Knowledge Part: Dan’s Insights & Recommendations
- Showcase Part: 12 All-Inclusive Creative Blueprints
- Over 300 Tasteful Artistic Nude Images
- Over 650 Behind The Scenes & Illustrative Images
- Over 100 Premium 3D Illustrations
- 12 Light Pattern Analyses & 2D Set Plans
- 2 Art Nude Models: Hanna (CAN) & Nikola (CZE)
- BONUS 1: 12 Digital Negatives
- BONUS 2: 11 3D Lighting Sets for immediate use with set.a.light.3D
- BONUS 3: 14 Image Look Recipes for immediate use with free Google Nik Collection Photo Software
- BONUS 4: 5 Projector Patterns used for this book
- Modern Layout in Landscape Format: Beautiful & Modern Presentation
- Instant PDF Download for immediate use on your PC, macOS, iOS & Droids
The icing on the cake:
12 x RAW Files (Originals by Dan Hostettler!)
Get one digital negative per series (DNG files). Work with these files, apply the original Image Look Recipies, compose your own versions. Be creative!
14 x Image Look Recipes
All Image Look Recipies Dan used for this workbook. These Presets were specifically created for the production of impactful imagery. For immediate use with FREE Google Nik Collection Plugin Suite.
11 x 3D Lighting Sets
Explore the lighting sets in 3D! Original setups from the shoots of this series ready for immediate exploration with the FREE viewer of set.a.light.3D.
5 x Projector Patterns
JPGs of the video projector patterns used in the series Abstractism. Get creative!

About the Author: Dan Hostettler
Dan has been a professional Sexy Women Photographer for more than 15 years.
He is Swiss born and currently living and working in Prague (Czech Republic). Dan founded his flagship business, StudioPrague, which includes a dedicated production company that has received international recognition and offers private, high-end workshops. Dan has had the pleasure of photographing some of the world’s most beautiful female nude models and he always strives to capture that “bold sexy moment”, both in the studio and on location.
Aside from his own creations, Dan is an internationally published photographer and his work has been featured – among others – in GQ Online, The India Times, FashionONE TV, GoodLight Magazine, MUZE Magazine, FOTOdigital, and FotoTV Germany.
About three years ago, Dan rediscovered his strong love for artistic B&W photography – a love that accompanied him since his formal photography education days over 25 years ago.
Dan felt the urge to rediscover the more artistic aspect in his nude photography and accepted the challenge of starting a new photographic adventure: He embarked upon the exploration of “Creative Nudes”.
Creative Nudes On A Budget can be seen as Dan’s very personal, extremely comprehensive “interim report” about the state of affairs of his endeavor to produce such concepts the simplified, on budget but yet impactful way.
Some Raves That Makes Me WOW! Thank you!
Just bought your creative-nudes-on-a-budget ebook. Packed with loads of useful info and guidance notes. The studio layout diagrams are exceptional with guidance notes. Wow!!! I’d highly recommend it to other photographers. A very insightful 350 pages with extra’s.
Another great ebook, Dan. 100% recommend this ebook.”
Explorations Created by Buyer/Reader Mischa Koorneef

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If you don’t like this guide for any reason, I offer an unconditional 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
Dan, Thank you again for this. Just purchased the product and downloading the contents. Cant wait to get started…
Looking forward to more such amazing products.
I had hoped for a cheap source of foam board in Germany but … seems you have the same problem in Prague.
Thanks for this MASSIVE e-book and for the introductory offer!
Regards, Frank
Thank you for purchasing my latest guide, Frank!
Foam boards: Yes it is awfully weird here. But I thought you have so many Baumärkte in Germany (ja, ja, jippie jippie yeah) an it´s more easy to get cheap material.
Anyhow, wishing you good exploration and shoots!
Could not resist this one.
My only issue is I didn’t have set.a.ligt3D software and there is no free viewer, just 15 day trial.
Hello Lars, thanks a lot for purchasing my latest training!
Please excuse the confusion about set.a.light3D.
1) Download the 15 days trial (any version). No CC needed.
2) Explore my sets, alter them, save new ones… – full functionality.
3) After the trial expires, the software still works as a viewer and you can explore my sets from every angle, “walk” trough etc.
So, if you install it you basically have nothing to loose.
I hope this helps.
It’s been a while but here it is another Dan Hostettler production, I love it !!